A Letter from Our Camp Director

Posted on August 7, 2018 at 2:55 pm

After so many years running diabetes camp programs, I shouldn’t be surprised by how quiet it gets when the summer is over.  The laughter, the joy of seeing new friends and making new ones, the great feeling of overcoming challenges or obstacles…all of these things are now great memories – but also things that we can look forward to again in 2019 and our remaining camp programs this year.

I must take a moment to thank two very important groups of people that help to make sure that Camp Seale Harris happens:

First, to the volunteers – THANK YOU for all that you do for camp and its programs.  The time that you give up from your “regular” lives doesn’t go unnoticed.  You are valued, you are great at your camp role(s), and I hope to see you all again next year!

Second, to the parents of our campers – THANK YOU for trusting us with your campers for these short times.  I know that it is difficult at times letting go, but as one who “grew up” at camp, I know the importance and sheer power of the camp experience.  The lessons, friendships, skills (both diabetes and in life), and more are essential for our young people to experience in an environment such as camp that encourages independence.

Lastly – don’t forget that the Camp Seale Harris experience doesn’t end because summer is over! With year-round CSH weekend and community programs, those of us with diabetes – and those that love and care for us – can keep the magic going.

If you have any questions about the Camp Seale Harris experience, or anything else, please email me at john@site01.d0006.devyour.com. I hope to see you soon!