
Every year, more than 375 adult volunteers, ranging from medical professionals and parents of campers, to neighbors and business executives, provide incredible support to SDES and the children and families we serve. If you are over 18 and would like to volunteer, many rewarding opportunities are available:

Ambassadors: Ambassadors are called upon to share their knowledge about SDES to a variety of groups and organizations. If you are willing to share your story, or staff a booth at a convention, conference or health fair, please consider becoming an Ambassador and help us spread the word.

General Volunteers: Special events, local program activities, fundraising events, and administrative tasks at our office are just a few volunteer opportunities available on an as-needed basis.

Healthcare Professionals: Our camps and community programs need your knowledge and skills to provide care or instruction for children during camp.  Liability coverage is provided for all medical professionals for care provided during programs.

If you would like to learn more about any of these opportunities, please contact us.

Interested in volunteering during 2022?  Please email John Latimer at john@site01.d0006.devyour.com.