T1D Spotlight – Lucas

Posted on November 30, 2017 at 1:17 am

Lucas was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 5. He remembers it well because it was “during Turkey Season.” His parents knew something was up when he was drinking a lot of water…but not just drinking it – sneaking it by filling up his toys with water in the bathroom!  Lucas, a now 8-year-old, hasn’t let diabetes get in the way of anything he likes to do! He loves reading (especially Harry Potter), playing monopoly, swimming, watching his uncle play basketball, and playing with Legos. Lucas’ favorite sport is Basketball, he played for the Parks & Rec team last year.

Lucas has overcome several obstacles on his journey with T1D. He has a Diabetes Alert Service Dog, Dune, who goes everywhere with him. He was planning to attend a school field trip one day when someone told him he could not bring Dune on the bus. Lucas has this to say about that incident – “They told me I couldn’t ride the bus just because I have diabetes, but the Department of Civil Rights says I can!”

In the fall you can find him deer hunting, or attending Camp Seale Harris Fall Family Camp! Some of his favorite activities at Camp Seale Harris are ziplining, archery, game room, soul stones and archery! Lucas said that “Camp Seale Harris helped me make new friends and I had a lot of fun meeting people just like me. I can’t wait to go back again!”

Lucas, has anyone ever told you that you can’t do anything because of your diabetes?

“As far as somebody telling me I can’t do anything, I can do anything with diabetes. I’m not going to let diabetes stop me from doing anything!”

What is your favorite part about having diabetes?

“When I’m low I get to eat candy!!!”

What’s the worst part about having diabetes?

“Finger pricks and site changes every 3 days.

What advice would you give to someone just recently diagnosed with T1D?

“At school, your school nurse will be your best friend! Last year wasn’t my best year but with Ms. Bridget as my school nurse, it was the best!”

“Always think – T1D Strong.”