
Southeastern Diabetes Education Services (SDES) educates, encourages, and empowers children with diabetes and their families to live well with diabetes! Living Well Programs include:

  • Overnight Camps
  • Family Camps
  • Day Camps
  • Camp Community Programs

Camp is a place where having diabetes is the norm, where you can compare and share stories with peers, and where you don’t have to explain diabetes all the time because everyone there “gets it.” They understand exactly what it’s like living with diabetes because they live with diabetes, too. Kids and teens learn independence in managing blood sugar and medication, making healthy food choices, and being physically active. Trained, adult volunteer counselors with diabetes are joined by physicians, nurses, diabetes educators, nutritionists, and pharmacists to provide supervision and real-time feedback. Camps include fun activities that vary by location. Community programs include family-oriented recreation and networking throughout the year.

Camp Seale Harris began in 1949 and is administered by SDES, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. CSH is a founding member of the Diabetes Education and Camping Association and accredited by the American Camp Association, which means meeting up to 300 standards for health, safety, and program quality.