Maely Breland

Posted on July 7, 2017 at 3:26 pm

In November of 2013 my life changed in a big way when I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes a few days after I turned three years old. I spent three days in the hospital where I was monitored and given insulin for the first time. My mama and daddy had to leave my room several times so they could learn how to take care of me. I was scared and unsure of what was happening, but I did love all the breakfast choices I had and the fun room for kids full of toys and games that was just down the hall from my room. My mama was very thankful for help from friends to watch me and for that fun room to take me to. I had lots of visitors but I was really cranky. High blood sugar and no nap and being kept in a small room were not a good combination for me.

When I got to go home, life was different in some ways and the same in other ways. Mama and Daddy had to poke my fingers a lot. And I woke up in the middle of the night when they came in to check my blood sugar. I still got to eat most of the same foods, but my parents had to weigh it or count out the pieces to know exactly how many carbs I was getting. Then they had to do some subtraction and some division to know how much insulin to give me. Mama laughed and said you had to have a degree in math to take care of me. But she cried some, too. And I cried when I had to get my shots.

We went to Camp Seale Harris Fall Family Camp, and I had an awesome time! My whole family each had their own bunk bed! Most of the kids and counselors there had Type 1 just like me! When we sat down to eat, I wasn’t the only one pricking my finger. And when I got really low playing on the playground, three different parents handed me a juice box because everyone carries juice there! We got to play games and carve pumpkins and even do zip-lining! My brother loved that. I loved watching from the ground. Maybe next year I’ll try it.

Now I can just about take my blood sugar all by myself, and I can push the button on my insulin pump (better than shots!) when it’s time to insert the needle. I am so brave. Mama and Daddy tell me that a lot. They tell me God has a plan and this will be used for good.

I wanted to tell a little of my story to let you know how much camp means to me and so many other kids like me. It’s a place we can go and feel normal and encourage each other. This is why my family walked in the Diabetes WALK for Camp Seale Harris to help raise money for Camp Seale Harris, so other kids like me with diabetes can come to Camp Seale Harris.

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