Carly Brooks

Posted on January 3, 2018 at 8:12 pm

Carly enjoys hanging out with friends and going to the beach. She’s an active member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) at her school and likes to play basketball. 7 years ago, Carly was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Carly’s mom noticed she was drinking more than usual and urinating frequently. Carly’s mom has a nursing background, so she knew immediately that something was wrong. Even though she has lived half of her 14-year-old life with T1D, she hasn’t let anyone tell her she can’t do anything because of her diagnosis.

Carly has attended Camp Seale Harris since 2015, and recently attended Senior Camp. She is one of the few campers that have attended overnight camp at both locations – Camp Seale Harris on Lake Martin and Coastal Camp Seale Harris in Mobile!

“Camp Seale Harris has helped me on my journey with diabetes, I have made so many amazing friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime.”