Dora Hartsock

Posted on July 7, 2017 at 5:14 pm

Coastal Camp Seale Harris is all fun and games for Dora Hartsock. That’s because she’s the Recreation Coordinator and actually plans all of the fun and games.

“This is my 19th year volunteering at Camp Seale Harris,” says Dora. “It’s been rewarding to follow the children through childhood and their teenage years. Many of those campers are now serving as counselors or in other volunteer capacities.”

Some of Dora’s well-loved activities include ice breakers, skits, scavenger hunts, and dancing, with the Chicken Dance and YMCA in a close tie for most popular. And although she adds new activities each year, she’s also learned from experience that some activities never grow old.

“A few years ago, I thought maybe the children were getting tired of the scavenger hunt, so I didn’t plan one for that year,” she adds. “I quickly learned that it was still one of their favorites, and immediately had to add it back to the schedule! No matter the age group, they all love it.”

When asked about her favorite camp memory, she doesn’t hesitate. “I was at the lake leading water activities when a group of children saw me from a distance and came running to me. ‘Miss Dora, we just wanted to say that we love you!’”

Miss Dora, we do, too! And thank you for all that you do to teach children to live well with diabetes.

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