Sadie Fidler

Posted on July 7, 2017 at 3:40 pm

Hi!! My name is Sadie and I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in April 15, 2015 (1 month before my 9th birthday). I was really scared and confused when I was told what was wrong but after being in the hospital with the nice nurses and doctors I knew I would be ok (plus I got lots of presents in the hospital). Diabetes has made me so much stronger than I ever was. Diabetes doesn’t mean you can’t do something. I do gymnastics and aerial skills. I also love to dance and sing. I always believe that I can do anything because diabetes doesn’t tell you who you are.

My mom says our family feels so blessed to have Camp Seale Harris, where everyone understands what children with T1D experience every single day. Everyone there has a heart for helping kids learn.  She says, “Sadie left camp last summer feeling a bit of hope with her new diagnosis of T1D. Thank you Camp Seale Harris!”

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