Staff Spotlight: Brandon English

Posted on June 23, 2018 at 6:00 am

Name: Brandon English

Age of T1D Diagnosis: 7 years old

How long have you been attending Camp Seale Harris? 4 years

Which camp programs are you working this summer? Junior and Senior Camp

Do you remember the first CSH program you attended? What was it like? I attended a family camp. I enjoyed having my family with me to do different activities and my counselor was very kind.

Is there one year of camp that stands out among the rest? CSH 2017 stands out to me because I learned so much, met lots of new people, and it was my first time to participate at camp alone. People made sure to welcome me and I really appreciated that.

What is your favorite thing about being a Camp Seale Harris staff member? Having to communicate and take responsibility over the campers.

What is your most memorable camper experience or camp memory? The first night after Senior Camp last year when Chris and Amanda took the CITs for a silent walk to reflect on the past week.

What is your favorite activity at camp? Canoe

What is your favorite camp song? An Old Australian Yodeler

What is your favorite camp meal or snack? Chicken Tenders

How is CSH helping you “live well” with diabetes? I am living well because I learn new things and new ways to better take care of myself each time I come to camp.

How has CSH helped to shape you into who you are today? Camp has helped me step out of my comfort zone. It has taught me different ways to talk to children facing different issues.

What is an interesting fact about you? I can wiggle my ears!