Staff Spotlight: Maya Ruffin

Posted on July 12, 2018 at 6:00 am

Name: Maya Ruffin

Age of T1D Diagnosis: 10 years old

How long have you been attending Camp Seale Harris? 7 years

Which camp programs are you working this summer? Junior and Senior Camp, Birmingham Day Camp, Coastal Camp

Do you remember the first CSH program you attended? What was it like? It was a bit overwhelming but a ton of fun!

What is the biggest change from your time as a camper to your role as a staff member? The amount of respect I have for the CITs and Counselors.

What is your favorite thing about being a Camp Seale Harris staff member? I get to stay at camp for more than a week!

What is your most memorable camper experience? Getting my first bead.

What is your favorite activity at camp? Tubing and Banana Boar

What is your favorite camp song? Peanut Butter Monday

What is your favorite camp meal or snack? Smudgies

How is CSH helping you “live well” with diabetes? YES – my A1C is always lower after coming to Camp Seale Harris. CSH has made me a better leader, communicator and diabetic.

What is an interesting fact about you? I am an 18 year old, ambidextrous, somewhat piano playing, college Junior.