Staff Spotlight: Sedrick Scott

Posted on June 15, 2018 at 6:30 am

Name: Sedrick Scott

Age of T1D Diagnosis: 6 years old

How long have you been attending Camp Seale Harris? About 30 years

Which camp programs are you working this summer? Staff Training and Senior Camp

Do you remember the first CSH program you attended? What was it like? I attended a 2-week camp session. I was taught to do everything. I took care of horses, learned how to ski & sail. I will never forget the lady that played the bugel morning and night.

What is the biggest change from your time as a camper to your role as a staff member? When I was a camper, there was no air conditioning (AC)! Once I joined staff I had AC, and now all campers have AC!

What is your favorite thing about being a Camp Seale Harris staff member? Passing on my experiences so the campers can thrive even when I’m not here.

What is your favorite activity at camp? When the campers get into the songs.

What is your favorite camp song? Sippin’ Cider & Great Big Moose

What is your favorite camp meal or snack? Bacon, Watermelon & the Breakfast Burrito

How is CSH helping you “live well” with diabetes? Camp Seale Harris saved my life at a time when doctors were negative about how long I could live. I came to camp and saw people that were alive and well much older than me and knew I could live a long full life too.

How has CSH helped to shape you into who you are today? Camp brought me out of my shell and introduced me to others with T1D that I would not have met otherwise.

What is an interesting fact about you? I spend a lot of time helping others more than helping myself.