T1D Spotlight – Dorian

Posted on November 1, 2017 at 12:31 pm

Dorian is an energetic 11-year-old who serves as the anchor for his school’s TV show and likes to play basketball in his free time.

Dorian also has Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). But he doesn’t let that slow him down! Dorian was diagnosed with T1D the summer of 2015. His mom noticed he was urinating more than usual and thought to check his blood sugar. His blood sugar was in the high 300’s and Dorian was rushed to Children’s Hospital in Birmingham and received his T1D diagnosis.

Since his diagnosis, he has attended several Camp Seale Harris programs. At first, Dorian was very hesitant to come to camp – he didn’t know what being around so many other kids with diabetes was going to be like. After the first few hours at his first camp program, he overcame his fears and was ready to dive into all CSH has to offer! Dorian enjoys camp because he is always learning something new about his diabetes from the other campers. His favorite activity at camp is fishing, because “it is relaxing, and once you catch a fish you can take pictures with it and kiss it for good luck!”

“When I come to Camp Seale Harris I don’t feel any different, I feel special because everyone here is diabetic and we all hang out. When we eat, I see everyone with their pumps, needles and meters out, and I think wow – this is a place where I can be myself, have fun, and I don’t have to worry about other people.”

Dorian’s advice to a newly diagnosed T1D is this: “Check your blood sugar and always remember to bolus before you eat!”

If you’d like to share your story with Camp Seale Harris during Diabetes Awareness Month, contact Mary Ellen Dixon at (205) 402-0415.