How can I contact my child while he/she is at camp?

Posted on January 18, 2019 at 11:40 am

  • At Camp Seale Harris, campers are unplugged – and this includes phone calls, as well as internet and personal cell phones.  While we do want them focusing on the activities and fun that they’re going to have, we have found that conversations with parents, friends, or others from home often make them miss home more instead of helping to manage it in a healthy way.  The campers stay busy, and the counselors and staff are trained to deal with cases of missing home or when the camper is upset.  We have found that more campers go home early when they call home.
  • While, as stated previously, your child cannot talk with you via phone, there are ways for you to check in and see how things are going.  The first (and easiest) way is to check our website for pictures that we post from camp daily.  We strive to get every child in a picture at least every other day.  The second way is for you to call our camp office to find out about your camper.  When you call, the office staff will take your name, your phone number, your camper’s name, and what cabin they’re in.  Over the course of a few hours, the Camp Director will get the message and find out specifics (usually from the cabin counselor) about how that camper is doing, including about their diabetes management, and call you back.  Please note that it might be the next morning before the Director calls you back depending on the activities currently going on at camp.  It is important for us to get specific information about your camper to you (instead of a general “they’re doing fine”) and this can take some time.